Registration is now open for those interested in joining one wither our 1st-2nd Grade or 3rd-4th Grade Performance Companies for the 2020-2021 school year. Click to learn more about our purpose behind the group and about the expectations for members.
Due date for regular registration is Sunday, August 16. Registration fee increases to $100 on or after Monday, August 17.
What is "Performance Company?"
Performance Company is the perfect opportunity for rising 1st-4th graders to learn how to be part of a team but without the responsibility of competitions. Our two Performance Companies (1st-2nd Grade and 3rd-4th Grade) practice together on a weekly basis and perform at local community events. These groups have made appearances at events such as Highland Park High School basketball games, Christmas tree lightings, HP Village LOCAL, elementary school carnivals and fundraisers, Chi Omega Christmas Market, assisted living homes, and more.